Hindi Freelance Writing Jobs: Earn Money As Content Writer Online

Are you looking for freelance content writing jobs in Hindi?

If that’s an yes, you’re at the write place.

We are looking for Hindi content writers and if you think you have skills, feel free to contact us


  • Must have previously written some articles/blog posts/essays in Hindi.
  • Ability to research on a topic and write articles that are research oriented.
  • A strong understanding of how to create unique, exceptional & actionable content.
  • Exceptional writing & editing skills, as well as the ability to adopt the style, tone & voice of our brand.
  • Very prompt to communications (via email, phone calls & WhatsApp) and punctual in delivering content
  • Desire to work in a fast-paced environment and adept at multitasking, creative thinking & generating compelling SEO friendly content.
  • Ability to quickly grasp complex technical concepts and make them easily understandable to users in the form of texts, images, videos, infographics etc.
  • Excellent time management skills, attention to detail and the ability to work autonomously while prioritizing work assignments.

Benefits of working with us

  • We are one of the leading media company in the country with years of experience in content production & marketing
  • You get to work with the best in the industry, learn from them and evolve your skills
  • Freedom – work from home opportunity
  • Earn at least ₹10,000 per month working 6-7 hours per day.


  • ₹10,000 – ₹20,000 per month

How to apply

  • Check out our articles and see the standard or writing we require
  • Mail us your resume at gitm.rahul@gmail.com
  • Use the subject: Hindi Content Writer
  • Include your name, details, previous work samples (2-3 links of your articles published  under your name. If you don’t have experience, write 2 essays of 800-1000 words on any topic in a MS Word document and attach it in the email)
  • Your complete address
  • Failing to send any of the above details or sending incorrect details will result in rejection of application

What is the salary of a Hindi Content Writer in India?

Content Writer salary in India paid between ₹ 1.8 Lakhs to ₹ 5.2 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 3.5 Lakhs.

What are the top paying industries for Hindi Content Writer in India?

Internet – ₹4.3 Lakhs per year
Advertising & Marketing – ₹3.7 Lakhs per year
Printing & Publishing – ₹3.6 Lakhs per year
TV / Radio – ₹2.9 Lakhs per year
IT Services & Consulting – ₹2.7 Lakhs per year